Early diagnosis and treatment for improved lung health outcomes.

I have never been a fisherman, but I know many folks that are. One technique I hear about often is something called “catch and release.” An approach called “catch and treat” has been looked at to help identify and treat patients with asthma and COPD who would otherwise not be discovered.

The US National Health and Nutrition Survey found that 70% of individuals with COPD or asthma are likely undiagnosed. The study used a company to contact households asking if any member of the household had complained of shortness of breath or prolonged cough in the last 6 months. Those who responded positively were place in two groups. One group was followed without medications and the other was treated on the basis of pulmonary function findings.

Finding these previously undiagnosed individuals and initiating treatment proved extremely beneficial when the cost of medication was weighed against the frequent need for out-patient as well as in-patient care for those that were untreated. It should be noted that PCP’s were intimately involved in this study showing that, while specialists may influence some of the outcomes, finding and identifying the patients in need starts at the PCP level. In fact, many of the patients were cared for strictly by their PCP’s and did well.

Catch and treat may sound like an interesting concept, but the data clearly shows that patients with COPD and asthma, when diagnosed and treated early, spend less time in emergency rooms, walk-in health clinics and hospitals.