
To the regular readers of this column, you will notice a new look. Hopefully, to make it easier to read. I have been writing this column for about 15 years. Those of you who have more of a facility at math than I do can multiply 15 times 52 and find the number of articles I have written. I would like to thank the loyal readers over the years for their comments to me and the Altoona Mirror. This column started as an extension of the conversations I had many times in the exam room with patients.

As time has gone on, I thought it was just me but lately I have had comments from readers that tell me some changes were needed. When I would read my column (and I do look at it every Tuesday) I sometimes had trouble reading the lower portion of the text because of the coloring used by the Mirror. However, I thought it was just me and my aging eyesight. Recently, some of my patients and other regular readers expressed the same thing, namely, they had trouble reading the last paragraph or two because of the coloring. Yesterday, I discussed this with my editor and asked that the coloring be removed so that the print can more easily be read.

This article is the first with the new, white background. My hope is that it will be easier to read the content of the articles without the coloring. Enjoy.