Produce prescriptions for healthier lifestyles.

One of the things that makes me sad this time of year is not just the falling leaves but the closing of the many farm produce markets in this area. I know that there are still some outlets for produce and certainly you can get most of the essentials at the local grocery store but it’s just not the same as going to a farmer’s market and looking and buying something that was grown usually by the person selling it to you.

What does all of this have to do with pulmonary disease? Well, overall health is important not just for patients with lung disease but for everyone young or old. Recently, large health care systems like Kaiser Permanente have taken the lead in promoting the concept that food is medicine. Kaiser recently launched its Food is Medicine Center for Excellence which among other things provides clinical services from produce prescriptions and medically tailored meals to culinary medicine and nutritional counseling.

To many of you this may seem like an effort that is only for the well-to-do. In fact, those that benefit the most from produce prescriptions and meals tailored to their disease are the less fortunate. Part of the problem for many of these patients revolves around access and affordability when it comes to eating healthy.

Food not only underpins our health but plays a vital role in our social fabric. Consider this the next time you go shopping and make health choices for you and the family.