This is my usual New Year’s column. I have added the question mark to the title because I am not sure if the next year will be new or just a replay of the last. From a medical standpoint, I know that I will see the same problems and give much of the same advice: Don’t smoke, Take your medications, and Get some exercise.

My hope is that my old and new patients will actually take my advice. I know some will not. Some of the really good news locally surrounds the fact that our Foundation, The Lung Disease Foundation of Central Pennsylvania, has obtained a grant from the American Lung Association to provide tobacco prevention and cessation programs to organizations, industry, and schools. We are being trained on these various programs and the grant will give us the opportunity and means to provide these programs to Blair and Bedford Counties. Plans are under way now for the production of the latest issue of our Breathe magazine. As you know I write many of the articles and I am trying to decide what topics have the most import and interest.

My staff is already thinking about this year’s Health-O-Rama at the Logan Valley Mall. Should my son and I continue the cooking challenge? Just a reminder, go to our website,, and look for previous mirror articles. I am trying to finish a new Dr. Z’s Rantz about hobbies. All of us here at the Lung Disease Center wish all of you a Happy New Year!