It seems like I just finished my New Year’s article for 2017 and now I am pressed to author a new one for 2018. Each year in my New Year’s message I try to encourage everyone to take control of their lives and health and do the things, hard though they may be, to improve their personal human condition. You know, stop smoking, lose weight and get more exercise.

I, like most people, make resolutions at this time of the year, but they often fall short of completion. I told myself I would get more exercise in the summer by playing golf. I can tell you that I played less golf this year than ever. I was going to lose enough weight to go down at least one pant size. It’s a good thing I did not throw out the old pants. I was going to take a little more time off and reduce my stress level. I seem to be working more now with a lot more deadlines.

So what’s this year’s message? I guess it is the advice I give my patients when I ask them to do the hardest thing possible – change their behavior. I ask them to do their best and don’t give up.

As for me, I am polishing up those clubs for next summer, reducing my calorie intake (within reason), and as soon as I get done with this article I may just take a nap. Happy New Year and many more!