Those of you in my age group (let’s just say mature) know little about social media. Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and others are just names. Our children and grandchildren depend on social media to stay in touch with one another and communicate important information. Not all of this is a good thing,especially when we see our youngsters thumbing their iPhone at the dinner table or when we are talking to them. However, social media is not all bad either. It can be a way to send out information in an efficient manner for all to see.

The Lung Disease Center began having a place on the World Wide Web called a website. You can get to this site on a computer by typing in This website contains information about our practice and you can read many, if not all, of the articles I have written for the Mirror. More importantly you can go back and read them again and again if you like. We track the number of times people look at our website and it seems to be popular.

I do not Facebook and have never twittered, but we do have folks who help us out with these matters and there is information on these sites as well. We can also be found on Pinterest and YouTube. I know many of you will not think about going to our website but just ask your children or grandchildren to show you what it looks like. The last video I posted on our website was a cooking demonstration. What next?